Equipment for freight transport

This exhibition sector combines the Equipment for freight transport. Here you will find suitable options for road, rail, water, air, and combined transport. You can also expect to see optimized containers and solutions for special freight goods.

Road vehicles

  • Motor trucks, semi-trailer tractor units, heavy goods vehicles
  • Vans and delivery trucks
  • Trailers and semi-trailers
  • Vehicle bodies/superstructures
  • Commercial vehicle washing, equipment and accessories
  • Drive technologies

The exhibition section on “Road vehicles” covers the entire palette of transport vehicles on the roads—from vans and delivery trucks to HGVs with trailer, and semi-trailer tractor units. Vehicle superstructures, plus equipment and accessories are also on show here. From the big vehicle manufacturer to the small supplier of specialist vehicle solutions—all the firms involved in producing road vehicles are here.

Read even more about truck driver shortages.

Rail vehicles

  • Locomotives
  • Open and covered standard freight wagons
  • Special freight wagons
  • Special superstructures
  • Equipment and accessories for rail vehicles

The exhibition section on “Rail vehicles” features solutions for rail transport at the vehicle level. The construction and drive technology of the rail vehicles are in focus here, as well as maintenance and repair. On show also are initial developments and concepts on the theme of driverless rail vehicles. In the coming years groundbreaking new developments are expected in this area in rail transport.

Equipment for combined transport

  • Pallets
  • Containers
  • Tank containers, special containers
  • Interchangeable containers and superstructures
  • Small and medium-sized containers
  • Air-freight pallets
  • Accessories
  • Road vehicles for transporting containers and interchangeable containers
  • Rail vehicles for transporting semi-trailers, interchangeable containers and containers
  • Rail vehicles for transporting articulated vehicles
  • Dual-mode transport systems
  • Roll on/roll off service and ferry transport
  • System solutions for combined transport

Equipment for combined transport, also known as intermodal transport or multimodal transport, links up different modes of transport into a continuous transport chain. The classic example is the road-rail model, and with long delivery chains, transport by ship or air is also generally involved, upstream of downstream. The exhibitors here inform visitors about their innovations for making transshipment in terminals simpler, faster and more secure, and for optimizing the planning and distribution of transports in combined transport equipment.

Read even more about truck driver shortages.

Logistics equipment for ports and shipping

The port is the interface between the different modes of transport—by water, rail and road. The exhibitors in the section on “Logistics equipment for ports and shipping” present logistics equipment involving machinery, software and services, all coordinated with each other so as to ensure optimum processes at the terminal.

Logistics equipment for the air cargo industry

The suppliers exhibiting in the section on “Logistics equipment for the air cargo industry” have suitable transport containers for almost every application. In addition they also have complete logistics equipment for air freight management and air freight controlling. Such logistics equipment enables the users to integrate the transport by air into the delivery chain, in a time-optimized manner and taking consideration of the high security requirements.

Pipeline transport and energy transport systems

Energy for power and heat is generally transported via pipes and cables. Manufacturers and developers of such energy-transport systems present their products and innovations at the exhibition. One particular focus of attention will no doubt be new pipe systems that have the potential to revolutionize this field.

Maintenance and repair

Tires, car bodies, maintenance and service—those are the key words in the exhibition section on “Maintenance and repair”. Not only road vehicles, but also rail vehicles are the focus of the companies exhibiting here—from procurement of replacement parts through to the maintenance of entire vehicle fleets and coupled units.

Filling-station equipment

In the section on “Filling-station equipment” exhibitors present the various components and equipment needed for a modern gas station. These include well thought out interior fittings, efficient tank and pump systems, the latest carwash technology and vehicle cleaning stations to suit all requirements.

Security systems, anti-theft protection

Preventing theft in freight transport is an important area. The exhibitors in the section on “Security systems and anti-theft protection” present concepts to give greater security and control in all modes of transport. These include entire web-based location and monitoring systems as well as tiny sensors and detectors that enable tracking and identification of goods.

Cargo heating, transport refrigeration/cold-chain management

Innovative solutions for the ever-present problem of maintaining an unbroken cool chain is what visitors can expect in this section of the exhibition. The latest refrigerated vehicles and reefer containers will be on show, as well as other technological achievements in transport cooling and documentation, in particular for food and pharmaceuticals logistics.

Research and development

Advances in research and developments are driving ahead the logistics and freight transport business. Universities and colleges are working closely together with the companies in this field. The leading research establishments and institutes that are involved in freight transport systems present their work in the section on “Research and development”.

Further exhibition sectors

Perfect logistics: transport logistic presents all possible solutions in one place. Our four exhibition sectors offer everything for transport on land, on water, in the air, and for intermodal freight. Whether you are interested in services, products, or research findings, key players from all parts of the industry come here to present.