Services, freight transport, logistics

In transport logistic's key sector, various specialist service providers present their solutions for logistics, transport, and trucking. Here you will find the right provider for every requirement within the industry.

Transport and forwarding

  • Road transport companies
  • Forwarding agents
  • Railways
  • Combined transport organizations

One of the biggest sections at transport logistic is on the theme of “Transport and forwarding”. Transport companies, railways, suppliers of intermodal transport—all of them converge here where the focus is on transport over land. Freight forwarders from all over the world present their offerings and the latest solutions for container transport. Also very diverse are the portfolios of the many logistics companies from Germany and abroad who will be presenting new concepts at the fair. In addition visitors can find out about current developments in rail freight transport from the railway companies and cargo suppliers.

Read more about truck driver shortage.

Maritime logistics

  • Inland shipping companies
  • Ocean shipping lines (container transport, roll-on/roll-off transport, bulk cargo, refrigerated cargo, short-sea shipping), sea freight services
  • Inland ports
  • Maritime ports

In the section on “Maritime Logistics” it´s all about sea freight. For maritime businesses there is still considerable improvement potential to be exploited by optimizing transport, transshipment and warehousing processes, as well as hinterland connections. Taking part in Munich from this segment are shipping companies, inland ports, maritime ports, container companies and other maritime service-providers from Germany and abroad.

Air freight

  • Airlines
  • Airports
  • Services for the air-cargo industry

Global and time-sensitive delivery chains can often only be implemented via air freight. But the security of that air freight must be ensured at all times. Airlines, airports and service-providers in the air freight industry exhibit their solutions in the section on “Air freight”.

Logistics services

  • Express, parcel, postal and courier services
  • Special deliveries, same-day services
  • E-commerce service providers, fulfillment
  • Logistics service providers
  • Waste disposal logistics, recycling
  • Heavy haulage, project cargo

A whole host of service companies are offering special logistics solutions tailored for the individual customer, such as heavy haulage, recycling services or same-day delivery. At the exhibition the section on “Logistics services” therefore also contains waste disposal logistics and services in the e-commerce context. Located here is the large section on express, parcel, postal and courier services, all of which are more in demand than ever before, yet are having to tackle enormous challenges, for example in city logistics and tough competition.

Read more about developments and logistics concepts of the future or sustainable mobility concepts of the future.

Services for the logistics industry

  • Charter brokers
  • General Sales Agents
  • Consulting, planning, logistics consulting
  • Organizations, trade associations
  • Filling-station credit cards, service cards
  • Banks, insurance companies, customs, customs clearance, toll
  • Leasing and rental companies
  • Container hire and leasing companies
  • Personnel leasing/personnel service
  • Fuels, eFuels, AdBlue technology
  • Training for careers in transport and logistics

Just which ancillary and supplementary offers can bring benefits to the logistics industry are on show at the exhibitors’ booths in the section on “Services for the logistics industry”—these services include, for example, support in customs matters, finance and insurance issues, help with recruitment, container hire and fleet management. Also putting on presentations here are charter brokers, general sales agents and logistics consulting offices, as well as leading trade associations and organizations within the logistics industry.

Services for intralogistics

  • Transshipment, warehouse and cargo handling companies
  • Packaging companies
  • Pallet logistics, loading-equipment suppliers

In intralogistics loading equipment and packaging play a very central role. The exhibition section on “Services for intralogistics” is dedicated to this theme and here, companies involved in packaging, warehousing, transshipment and cargo handling presents their services for pallet logistics.

Logistics locations

  • Infrastructure providers
  • Logistics real estate
  • Freight centres/terminal operators

“Location, location, location”—this is also true of logistics properties. Because in times when there is a shortage of space for industrial parks, the right location with good transport links can be a critical competitive advantage. All the big logistics real estate developers as well as infrastructure operators, freight villages and terminal operators are represented here in the exhibition section on “Logistics locations”. They give information also on the sustainability aspects of logistics centers, hubs and multi-user warehouses.


  • Security services
  • Truck models/promotional items
  • Occupational clothing, equipment
  • Trade/specialty literature

Suppliers of occupational clothing, trade literature and promotional items round off the services offered for freight transport and logistics.

Research and development

“Research and development” is the name of a separate area of the exhibition. Universities and institutions that are involved in applied research and bringing together science and day-to-day business practice in logistics are exhibiting here. Not infrequently their studies, research and projects form the basis for groundbreaking innovations in logistics.

Further exhibition sectors

Perfect logistics: transport logistic presents all possible solutions in one place. Our four exhibition sectors offer everything for transport on land, on water, in the air, and for intermodal freight. Whether you are interested in services, products, or research findings, key players from all parts of the industry come here to present.