Advices & Contacts

Exhibitor application

Present your company at the industry's leading platform. Through regular growth, air cargo Europe can claim itself the world's leading business event for the global air freight industry. Here, your services will reach trade visitors with good investment potential from across the world.

We are pleased to see that you want to apply as a main exhibitor

Anyone wishing to participate in air cargo Europe as an exhibitor with its own booth must apply online as a main exhibitor. The online application is not binding.

Main exhibitors who wish to have co-exhibitors at their stand must register online as well.

Tip: If possible, please use the browser Google Chrome in order to fill out the online application form. In other browsers display problems may occur.

Apply as exhibitor


Prices & conditions

transport logistic Exhibitor
© © Copyright 2019, Messe München GmbH, all rights reserved
Hallenübersicht Hall B4: BGL Logistics, Ports of Bremen/Bremerhaven; EUROGATE

Tips, dates & deadlines

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Important information on using the Messe München Account for exhibitor registration

1. You don't have a Messe München account yet? Please register.
2. You already have a Messe München account? Please log in with your access data.
3. Your previous access data doesn't work? Use the “Forgot password” function or register again if necessary.

Note: Did you last use your Messe München account before April 2024? In this case, a new registration may be necessary due to a system change.

User Guide AOA

The application process step by step

Main exhibitor application

We are pleased that you would like to participate in air cargo Europe as a main exhibitor. Please read the following instructinos carefully; they contain important information regarding the application process. All further information on preparing your trade-fair participation can be found under Tips, Dates & Deadlines.

Please note: Upon application, only the stand space itself is booked; stand building and equipment are not included. These and various other services can be booked later, after successful registration and accepted placement proposal, via the Exhibitor Shop.

How to apply

Take note of the Conditions of Participation A and Technical Guidelines, Conditions of Participation B and the other documents listed below, in particular the information regarding stand design and special exhibits.

Switch to the online application and enter all required data. Please do not forget to submit them at the end.

The registered company is the contractual partner and thus the invoice recipient. If a different invoice recipient is desired, the exhibition management must be informed as early as possible by e-mail to and an appropriate form must be requested. Subsequent invoice changes will be charged with 50 EUR.

The contact named in the application will receive the placement proposal as well as the access data for the air cargo Europe Exhibitor Shop.

We strongly recommend you to apply early. The sooner you do it, the greater the chance that you will receive your desired placement.

Placement start date:

The layout of the halls/outdoor areas will be planned after the closing date for registration on September 15, 2024. The e-mailing of placement proposals will start from October 2024. The confirmation date for the placement proposal is one week after receipt.Until the closing date, exhibitors who took part in 2023 will have the opportunity to re-register their previous stand for air cargo 2025. Registrations received after September 15, 2024 will be integrated into the then already ongoing process. A claim to the previous placement from 2023 is no longer given.

Co-exhibitor application

Co-exhibitors still need to apply through the main exhibitor. The main exhibitor receives an appropriate link which can be used to apply as co-exhibitor on his stand. To receive this link, please contact your main exhibitor.

Advice & contacts

Whether main exhibitor or co-exhibitor: if you have any questions about the application process or the terms of participation, please feel free to get in touch with the air cargo Europe management team at any time.